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Hui Liu - Artist 

 Through my painting, I want to seize moments, capture emotions, and freeze time.

People’s faces have always fascinated me. In painting portraits, I am not seeking to achieve photograph likeness, but to express emotion and elevate character by using color tastefully and deliberately.

In landscapes, I make decorative piece of art to reveal the atmosphere, to achieve color harmony.

I am more interested in creating the image formed in my head, rather than painting the image I see.

I am learning from the style and techniques of many great artists: Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Gustav Klimt.

I long to make beautiful things, even if it takes endless effort and some frustration. I am extremely happy and peaceful when I create. Intuition, serenity, and courage guides me through. 

 I dedicate this website to documenting my journey and displaying my artworks.



Sheridan College, Continuing Professional Study, Fine Arts

For most updated online gallery, price of artworks please visit: 

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